• Mental Clarity

    One of the most immediate and noticeable results of an EES session is the deep feeling of innerpeace, mental calmnes and clarity . Many people report relief from anxiety, increased mental stamina, increased ability to concentrate and general feelings of clarity.

  • Physical Rejuvenation

    Customers often report immediate experiences of increased energy , better sleep, relief from chronic pain and/or stiffness and even improved skin conditions.

  • Elevated Mood

    A very common effect of EE sessions is the reduction of depressive and anxiety symptoms . The combination of increased mental clarity, more energy and improved sleep quality often results in a profound improvement in mood .

  • Energetic Cleansing

    A subtle but important result of scalar EE sessions is a 'reset' within your body's energy system and an energetic detoxification.

The Energy Enhancement System combines body, mind, spirit and science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher levels of health, consciousness and self-realization.

One of the most immediate and noticeable results of a scalar golf session is the profound sense of mental vitality that clients experience. We regularly hear reports of reduced anxiety, increased mental stamina, greater ability to concentrate and an overall sense of mental clarity.

Our cells use scalar fields to 'communicate'.
Blockages can disrupt this natural communication and reduce the tension in the cells. The EESystem creates multiple energy-improving energy fields so that cell communication can be restored and your cells can recharge. When your cells recharge, they get the energy they need to clear blockages
open and clean up. Once the blockages are cleared, our immune system can work optimally and our body can return to a 'healthy' state.'

Many clients report immediate experiences of increased energy, better sleep, relief from chronic pain and/or stiffness, and even improved skin conditions.

A subtle but important result of scalar wave sessions is the 'cleansing' that your physical body receives within its energy system.

A common (reported) effect of EE sessions is an improvement in mood. Many customers experience a combination of increased mental clarity, energy boost and better sleep ability/quality. This contributes to a (profound) improvement in mood.

Research into the potential and application of Scalar fields and EESystem has been growing rapidly recently. Various pilot studies, reviews and clinical studies have already been conducted (and are in progress). For more information see also: https://eesystem.com/research/

  • 1 hour EE Session: Blood test

    Consistently, 100% improvement has been seen in the blood of 100% of the cases studied before and after using Bio-Scalar technology. “Using an FDA approved test for cellular absorption rates, never a single recorded case of improved numbers. 100% showing documented improvement after 1 hour in the bio-scalar environment!

  • 1 hour EE Session: Digital infrared thermal imaging

    Red indicates inflammation,
    Green indicates inflammation has resolved after 1 hour in the Energy Enhancement System.

Experience the surprising effects on:

  • Anxiety complaints


    Blood profiles (oxygenated blood)

    (Chronic fatigue


    DNA repair

    Emotional stability

  • Energy level



    Recovery from injuries/surgery

    Brain fog

    Immune system

    Mental clarity

  • Neurotransmitter functions

    Pain complaints

    Top performance



    Stress complaints

    Vitality (physical & mental)

Dr. S. Michael explains how EES was developed and how it works: